Rent a Darkroom.

“The negative is comparable to the composer’s score and the print to its performance. Each performance differs in subtle ways.”

- Ansel Adams

If you’ve ever wanted to do your own darkroom enlarging, now is your chance. No, really. The business ain’t sustainable, I might crash and burn before long.

-Broke sad owner of Photo Spectrum

You may now rent out Photo Spectrum’s fully equipped RA-4 darkroom. With a variety of Nikon, Fujinon, and Schneider lenses, you have everything you need for enlargements up to 20x24 for 135 film, 4x5 large format film, and everything in between.

If you don’t feel comfortable with printing just quite yet, you also have the option of renting out the facility with a guide (me!). I will be stationed inside providing tips, tricks, and opinions on achieving a better print.

**Rental is available only to those who have completed at least one workshop session at Photo Spectrum or display the necessary knowledge and experience in RA-4 darkrooms.